Let's be honest: blogging can be overwhelming at times. Gazing at a white screen can seem immensely crippling, particularly when you have to start a draft from scratch.

With HubSpot's blog template, you can easily overcome the oh-so-common writer's block. All you ought to do is put your content in the blank fields.

If you are new to HubSpot CMS and want to start using the HubSpot blog template, you've arrived at the right place. This blog will walk you through the entire process of using a HubSpot blog template, creating new blogs in HubSpot, setting blog listing and blog post page, how to change blogs' date formats, and how to create the new blog post. 


Getting started with HubSpot Blog Tool

HubSpot's blogging tool provides content creators an excellent platform for building authority around specific topics and driving traffic to their site. HubSpot CMS blogs often consist of blog listing pages and individual blog posts.

All blog posts within a blog are made up of a single blog post template, while the various blog listing pages (main listing, author listing, tag listing) are made up of a single blog listing template. 

The new HubSpot CMS blog tool provides you all the settings related to blogs like blog listing templates, blog details, Subscription details, language settings, social sharing by HubSpot, and other SEO features.

Use this path for HubSpot blog settings:-

  • Open your HubSpot Account.
  • Now click on the setting icons from the right top.

HubSpot Sales Dashboard

  • Please scroll down and select a blog from the website dropdown.

Select a blog from website

  • Here is the Full view of the HubSpot blog tool

HubSpot Blog Tool

How to create new Blogs in HubSpot?

To create a new blog in HubSpot, please follow these steps:-

  • Open the blog settings.

Blog settings

  • Now click on the right top corner “Create new blog” button

Create new blog

  • In this step, you have to add the details of your blog like: Blog Name, Blog Language, and Blog URL (here you can add another domain also, and please update slug according to your blog name).

Set up your blog

  • Click to next and save.
  • Now, you can view your newly created blog from this Dropdown section.

Select a blog to modify

How to set a Blog Listing Page?

The listing template displays all the blog listing cards. In HubSpot, you can set a different template for listing and blog details. But you can add two templates like one is for blog listing, and the other one is blog detail page.

Here are the steps to set the blog listing template.

  • Open your Blog Settings.
  • Now, select the blog in which you want to change the blog template.

Change the blog template

  • Here, you can either select the same template for the blog listing page or a different template.

For the Same Template:-

  • Please select the same template in both dropdown options.

Select templates

For Different Listing Template

  • Please tick on the given checkbox and select the other template for listing only.

Select s blog for different listing template

  • Save the changes


How to set a Blog Post Page?

When we click on any listing blogs, it will redirect you to the blog post, where all the content is available for that particular listing. In HubSpot, we assign the template for the post. 

Please follow these steps to add the blogs post:-

  • Open the Settings.
  • Select the blogs, in which you want to change the blog post template.

Select a blog

  • Select your template.

Select the template

  • Save the changes.

How to change a BlogÂ’s Date Format?

In HubSpot, we can change the date formats according to our template design and other requirements.

Here are the steps for updating the blog template date format.

  • Open the blog settings from the setting icons.
  • Select the blogs in which you want to change the date format.

Change date format of blog

  • Click on the Date format tab.

Update date format

  • You can also customize the date as per your requirements.


How to create a new Blog Post?

After setting up your template and other blog settings, your blog is now ready to use. Now you just need to add the content, and they will be added to your blog listing pages automatically.

Please follow the steps specified here to create a new blog post:-

  • Follow the path to open the blog post dashboard. Marketing > Website > Blog

Create blog

  • Now, select the blogs in which you create the blog post.

Create blog post

  • Click on the right top button and select the blog post.

Select blog post

  • Add your blog title.

Add blog title

  • Add the blog content.

Add blog content

  • Please click on the top setting button, and they will display various blog settings like the blog title, meta description, tags, campaign, author name, and various other advanced options.

Blog settings

  • Please Update the Featured Images of the post (this also reflects on listing cards).

Update featured image

  • Once, you are through these steps, click on preview and see how your blog will appear once it goes live.
  • Now you can either publish the blog post instantly or schedule it for later. 

Wrapping Up

With HubSpot blog templates, you'll never really have to start your blogging process from scratch (at least not the designing and layout part). Just find a blogging template, and start putting some commendable words down!

So, what are you waiting for? Start blogging!

Need help setting up your HubSpot account? Well, we are here to help. Get in touch with us now!

Editor: Richa Sharma