Clear Image-listing module

The Listing Module allows you to easily add beautifully styled lists anywhere to your site. You can choose any background color and opacity, background type and text without touching a single line of code.

Watch the video below, where you can learn how to Customize and edit the clear image listing Module.


Content Setting:- In this settings, you can  edit the heading, sub-heading in the rich text editor.


Listing setting: In this setting, you can edit, style, clone and delete the module.

While editing this module, you get the options to change the image settings and text.


Image Section:  Here, you get the options to replace/remove the image, edit the alt text, size, maximum size and also you can add the link over the image which is totally optional.

Below image, there is a rich text section, which can be edit in the rich text editor.

Once you are done with the editing, click apply changes button.

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